Home Modification
Helpful organizations and links
An advocacy organization to keep people with disabilities living in their own homes and communities with the help of attendant services, rather than living in nursing homes; resources and information.
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)
A national organization for people aged 50 or over offering diverse resources and benefits; the substantial Web site has a search option to locate articles on numerous topics, including those about home modification. Order a free copy of "The Do-Able Renewable Home," from a vast collection of publications; AARP also maintains a library.
American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)
The AFB offers resources and information pertaining to all aspects of life for persons who are blind or visually impaired. AFB Information Center: 1-800-AFB-LINE (232-5463), or e-mail: [email protected].
Center for Universal Design
Safety standards, accessibility guidelines, products and services, technical assistance, a database of public transportation systems throughout the U.S., and many more resources relating to universal design.
Centers for Independent Living/ILRU
Look up the Center for Independence near you on The ILRU Web site (Independent Living Research Utilization). ILRU is a national center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living.
Concrete Change
This organization has launched an international campaign to make virtually all homes visitable (accessible to all) by providing the essential features; such as accessible entrances, exits, and interior doors. The organization advocates quick, widespread construction around the world.
Directory of Centers for Independent Living
Click on your state for the CILs nearest you.
Presidential Task Force on Employment of Adults with Disabilities: resources, services, and information available throughout the federal government, including information on the fair housing laws and housing resources.
Disability Resources Monthly Web-Watcher
Thousands of the best disability-related resources on the Internet personally selected by the staff of Disability Resources Monthly and alphabetically arranged by subject.
Internal Revenue Service Info page-Publication 502
A complete list of items you can and cannot deduct as medical expenses. For instance, you CAN deduct porch lifts, ramps, and construction costs to modify a house for accessibility, as well as expenses incurred for same in rented dwellings, guide dogs, etc.
National Center on Accessibility
NCA is an organization committed to the full participation in parks, recreation and tourism by people with disabilities, technical assistance, courses, information, resources, and maps of accessible trails.
National Resource Center on Supportive Housing and Home Modification
This organization is a clearinghouse of information to help elderly or frail individuals remain living in their own homes as comfortable and as successfully as possible. Among other things, NRCSH equips families and individuals with the knowledge to plan for their housing, health, and supportive service needs.
A concise guide covering definitions; fair housing laws and guidelines; initiatives from the Assistive Technology Act grantees; advocacy, financing, modification, and research resources; accreditations; online courses; and a bibliography. (Probably a complete list of resources available regarding adaptive housing.)
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Disability resource page on locating housing, financing home modifications, veteran's with disabilities, social security disability recipient benefits, homelessness, and more.